Sunday, November 24, 2013

Road Trip

I went on a road trip with friends and first went to a sand mine. Afterwards, we visited an abandoned slaughter house and took a lot of photography. I climbed the really tall tower and upon reaching the top, a white owl flew out.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Figure Drawing Session Attended

The model tonight at the SFAI figure drawing group was Lloyd. I had some rather nice experiences sketching him, however by the end I was tired and became too engrossed in details. The last drawing shows this with its isolated and contrasted sections of the body. My favorite drawing is the blue hand. There are some proportion problems, but I am still pleased.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Scott Tsuchitani Art

I just received an e-mail from my good friend Scott Tsuchitani. He is an extremely talented artist that I greatly admire and his courageous work astounds me with its dark humor and enlightened perspectives. Here is his latest printmaking efforts:

6 x 7 in., Soft ground drawing + Aquatint

Friday, November 8, 2013

Figure Drawing Attended

Tonight I enjoyed the company of my friend Eric while we both sketched at the SFAI's figure drawing session. The model was Bonnie who I really enjoyed drawing. My favorite experience was drawing her hand and forearm (the orangish-yellow sketch with shaky red lines), but it still needs some finishing touches before I am completely satisfied with it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thoughts About Drawing the Figure

Drawing the figure is a constant challenge and can be quite frustrating at times. To achieve a sense of accomplishment, I attempt to stay in a state of nowness, practiced in Zen Buddhism. In other words, drawing can be meditative. 

I close my eyes and pay attention to my breath. Quickly, I open my lids and react with complete abandon. I fluidly react with no preconceptions and try not to ruminate on past failures. I edge toward objectivity and become aware of what my eyes and mind are paying attention to, for example, dark shadows, undulating contours, and points of tension. I develop awareness of my observant awareness. I continuously look at the figure with fresh eyes, like a young child discovering something new for the first time. 

 Drawing the figure is the most frustrating and simultaneously the most enjoyable experience I have found.