Friday, December 5, 2014

Art Opening

Nikki and I had an art opening of the postcards we created recently. Here are installation views:

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Another Collage Day

Today it was artists Nikki, Ken, and myself. We worked on collaged greeting cards.

My collage in progress

I'm gathering materials for another collage

Nikki's collage

Nikki's collage

Ken's collage

Ken's collage

Ken's collage

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Photoshoot With Friend

It was rainy and grey, but my photographer friend and I decided to wander around to scout possible locations for future shoots. It was incredibly enjoyable.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Open Studios Visit

I spent the day with my friend Nikki visiting many different artists and their work. I'm especially impressed with my artist friend, Liz Hickok's new work that uses crystallization.

Diane Olivier

Kevin Peter Mosley

Diane Foug

Diane Foug

Diane Foug

Diane Foug

Liz Hickok

Liz Hickok

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Collage Group

Today's collage meeting was just my artist friend Nikki and I. I almost finished my four works for the upcoming postcard shows in Germany.

My work completed

My work -still have to add hair

Nikki's beginning work
Piles of possibilities

Leftover scraps

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stephanie Syjuco's Artist Talk

Tonight I attended my friend Stephanie Syjuco's artist talk where she spoke about her new project inspired by the dazzle ships from WWI. Great stuff!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Artist in Residency Application Finished

It took many, many hours to complete, but my proposal and application is finally finished. I just pushed "send".

Page 1 of Proposal

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Day with High Tea, a Greek Church, and Art Opening

I started my day enjoying high tea with my artist friend Nikki. Then we walked around the corner to visit the Greek Orthodox church that I've been wanting to visit for many years. Not only is the church gorgeously decorated with many icons, but also contained a body relic of St. John. His hands were amazingly beautiful and withered. I did not take any pics out of respect for one of the patrons who asked that I not take any of him.

Tal-y Tara Tea

Motor loaf

Holy Virgin Cathedral - Joy of all Who Sorrow
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia


Relic located within a icon

Large collection of relics

My favorite icon

Another amazing icon
Drinks before the art opening

Mary Button Durell

Mary Button Durell

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Sculptural Piece


I visited my art studio and slowly began working on a new sculptural piece. I worked on the wire frame for awhile and later drew some more sketches.


Worked on the wire armature again. I still need to add a "neck", but getting close to being done on this part. I'm still vacillating on whether to use ointment-covered gauze inside the bags or have them be empty with just my breath.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Collage Day at the Library

Although I was fighting a hangover, today was an excellent day creating collages with my friends at the library. Nikki and I were preparing for the postcard art show, Ken was creating Halloween cards, and Jenny worked on various projects.

Monday, September 22, 2014

YBCA Visit

Today I visited YBCA to take pictures of my transformed installation and to enjoy a few more new sculptural pieces. The most interesting was this strange box that I think was for some kind of chemical experiment, but instead reminded me of a place to keep a sex slave. Notice the strange wooden spindle. The best thing about it was that moths had somehow gotten into the museum and were attracted to the wool lining. An amazing accident that made the piece so much more interesting.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friends' Art Opening

Had a really great evening attending the Ampersand International Arts art opening featuring work by several friends. The work was incredible.

Lauren Davies

Lauren Davies

Lauren Davies

Jeff Morris (sorry for the blurry pic)

Jeff Morris

Andy Vogt