Monday, March 30, 2015

Sketch for Card

I've started experimenting with punched holes in my drawings.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Day of Collages

Today was attended by artists–Mark, Ken, Airy, Sarah, and myself. I didn't get pictures of everyone's work, but here are a few I did capture.

Ken Olsen's workspace

Ken Olsen

Ken Olsen

Ken Olsen

My work in progress

Airy's workspace


Friday, March 6, 2015

Enjoyed Artist Lecture by Genesis Bryer P.Orridge

Genesis Bryer P.Orridge is an amazing person and it was great to visit an audio history. During the Q&A section, she was very contemplative and offered great advice. Most of what struck me was the power of using the Cut-Up technique. I was happy to hear that one of her latest projects is doing a documentary on the Voodoo practices in Benin, one of my favorite art inspirations.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Test Photography

Today I did a small photoshoot to test a couple of ideas that I've had for awhile. I will test again this week using a better camera.